A group of friends named Lucie, Lisa, Ronald, Donald & Noah at school on St. Patrick's day.
Leprechaun’s out and about tricking people and stealing things
Lukah & Oscar:
Noah: We are all set to steal the jewelry
Bluey: Excellent, St. Patricks day is my favourite day to steal.
Noah: Who are we going to steal from first?
Bluey: I’ve heard of this little brat named Lucie, and she has a lot of shiny, sparkly and pretty jewelry.
Noah: That’s my friend, well my former friend anyways.
Bluey: Well, we are going to steal from your so called friend and thats final.
Noah: Okay, okay let’s go steal some jewelry.
[ After the jewelry is stolen ]
Bluey: I think I left some of my beard hair behind, but at least we have the jewelry!
Noah: Are you sure they won’t catch on to us.
Bluey: I’m sure of it, my plan is flawless.
Noah: Okay, that lightens the mood. What are we going to do with the jewelry?
Bluey: Keep it, obviously.
Noah: Wait, but shouldn't we spend it on things.
Bluey: No, I can’t be seen by humans.
Farzana & Alayah :
Lisa: Hey why aren’t you at school?
Lucie: Because Its St. Patricks today
Lisa: Oh yea I forgot about that
Lucie: Hey have you seen my jewelry
Lisa: No I haven’t why?
Lucie: You know how I always put my jewelry on in the morning?
Lisa: Yea? I’m listening.
Lucie: Well I woke up this morning and I checked my jewelry box and it was empty and you know
what’s weird.
Lisa: What?
Lucie: Well I found a blue chunk of hair by my empty jewelry box and there were blue footprints around
my bedroom floor.
Lisa: That’s fishy!
Lucie: I know right do you know who’s hair it might be.
Lisa: Wait… It might be a blue Leprechauns hair!!
Lucie: Do they even exist?
Lisa: I am pretty sure they exist! Let’s investigate!
Lucie: Okay come to my house bring Ronald and Donald. See you at my house.
Te Raumati, Sione T & Siale:
Donald: Hey are you at school today??
Ronald: No because I’m celebrating St Patrick's day with my family
Donald:Have you heard of Lucie’s missing jewelry box?
Ronald: No I haven't I only heard from Lucie last week.
Donald:Well I heard that this blue leprechaun stole it but I don’t have any more information.
Ronald: Are you sure because I don’t think they even exist.
Donald: That’s all I got from Lisa and Lucie .
Ronald:I just got a text from Lucie she’s picking us up
Lisa: Hey guys. Do you want to come and investigate on Lucie’s missing jewelry?
Ronald & Donald: Yeah sure ;
LI:To write a narrative in the form of a play.
Today my group had to decided who is going to be who in the play we are making for Mr Wong's reading group. I had to share the character with someone in my group. The character I had to be was Ronald. The person I had to share the character with is this boy named Siale. Then we had to get into a group of 2 or 3. Once we got into a group we had to have a conversation with the people in my group on a google doc.