Our theme was resilience and out topic was emotions and our catch phrase for this week our catch phrase was, "Kiwi can says if you feel it, let it out, don't doubt. Just let it all out.
This week our energiser was, "how do you feel?" We had to high five 10 people or more. Next we had to do 25 star jumps. Then we had to do something challenging, we had to hold a plank for 10 seconds then we had to hold it for a minute. That was the challenging part of the energiser. Then our kiwi can teacher asked us how we felt when we did those challenges.
This week our activity was called, "emotion chrades" We had to get into to groups and then our kiwi can teacher gave each group a piece of paper. What ever it says on the paper we had to try and act it out to the other groups but we can't talk. The other groups had to try and figure out what we are acting out.