Friday, 30 October 2020

Fact Find | Hydnora Africana

Today I did this really fun activity called fact find. Fact find is about researching a new or interesting topic like enviorment and machine.

I decided to research a interesting plant. It is called the 'Hydrnora'. I wanted to reasearch this plant because I wanted to learn new plants and I thought this one was very interesting.
The information I need to present is as follows:

1. Introduction

2. 5 facts

3. Media/Images and video

4. Information Sources

My favourite part of doing this activity was the 5 facts because I got learn new facts on the way.

LI:To learn something new


Today I decided to do a can-do.  The can-do I decided to do was prototect. Prototect is a fun website that people go on to help them with their maths. 

I was practising level 4 because I wanted to get a better time. When I finished I was able to get all the answer correct. My time was 1 minute and 25 seconds. I think my time was good but I think next time I can do a better job.

I enjyed this can-do because each time I do it I think I am getting better at my math. I also thought most of them were easy but I needed to answer them faster.

Fact Find | Venus Flytrap

Today I did this really fun activity called fact find. Fact find is about researching a new or interesting topic like enviorment and machine.

I decided to research a interesting plant. It is called the 'Venus Flytrap'. I wanted to reasearch this plant because I wanted to learn new plants and I thought this one was very interesting.
The information I need to present is as follows:

1. Introduction

2. 5 facts

3. Media/Images and video

4. Information Sources

My favourite part of doing this activity was the media. I liked this part because I got to see what the plant looks like and learn even more information from the video. 

LI:To learn something new

Comment Thread

This week for I commented on Fotu's reading blog post. She was doing novel studys.

The first question I asked was, "Can you tell why did you decided to read this book?"

During this task I learnt how to ask an open question that will make the person think more about it.

Go on this link to see Chisa's blog post.

LI:To learn how to comment on other people's blog

Emergency Shelters

Emergency shelters is a place for people to keep safe during natural disaters.

Fire shelters are used against wildfires. Two materials are metal and aluminum foil. Metal is good against fire because it has strength, stiffness and toughness. Aluminum foil is good because it dosen't burn.

Storm shelters are used against bad storms. Some materials are brick and fire cement. Brick is good because it's constructed with full mortar. Fire cement is good because it can go through rain, snow and hail.

Shelters are very important because shelters can help save lives aganist bad natural disarsters.

LI:To research emergency shelters

Ice Ages

This week I chose a book called "Ice ages when the world chills out." This is a non fiction book which means everything in the book is true. This book is based on different type of ice ages. 

We had to answer all the question in a full sentence unless were listing. I had to write down 3 facts, one are my facts were "Ice ages have ended around 12,000 years ago." Then we had to list three or more new words we learnt from the book. 

I found this book interesting because I learnt lots of facts about ice ages that could been there a couple of years ago.

LI:To learn how to summaries a book or text

Touch Rugby | Session 2

This week was our second session of touch rugby. Our coach (Mark) taught us a new skill.

The first skill we learnt was how to plant the ball. To plant the ball you need to place the ball on the ground and then step over it. Then your buddy would pick up and past it to you and we had to make sure we are behind the person or it would be a foward pass.

The second thing we did was play a game that used the planting skill. It was bibbs vs non-bibbs. Each team would have 5 balls and the opposite team would have touch the person with the ball. The person who gets touched has to plant the ball and the person who touched them takes the ball. At the end it was a draw.

Lastly we were practising our draw and pass. There would be 2 attackers and 1 defender. The attacker has to draw the defender and then pass it to their team mate so they can score a try. 

I enjoyed this session and my favourite part of this session was the draw and pass.

LI:To practise the basic skills of touch rugby

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Multiplication & Division

This week I took the speed demon. I decided to do both multiplication and division because I wanted to challenge myself.

Once I was finished answering the equations my time at was 9 minutes and 3 seconds. I think next time I should try and be a little more faster.

I found answering the question easy because I know my time tables which makes easier to answer them.

If you don't believe me my proof is on my DLO which is at the bottom of this blog post.

LI:To remember my basic math facts


Math is used in many jobs. Jobs like: cooking, building, teaching and more. Some jobs might just use basic maths like addition or division.

In cooking math is important. Coverting is used to help covert the temperture. Also measuring is used to help measure the amout of a food that weighs or measure the millmeters using a measuring cup.

Understanding how to use math in this job is good because if not knowing it can make the food disgusting. Might make people sick.

LI:To identfy the math using jobs


Narratives are fictional stories that usally use third person and past tense. The structure of a narrative is TOPES.

TOPES stands for title, orentation, problem, events, and solution.

The title is a short phrase that talks about the main idea about the story. Orentation answers who, what, when, and where. The problem tells what goes wrong in the story. The events are the steps that lead to the solution. The solution talks about the last step and the new normal for the characters.

When people make a narrative they the first step is usally to brainstorm ideas. Then they will start thing of the characters, problem and solution. People need to think about how are they going to introduce the characters and the setting sceen. The solution can either suscced or fail.

To write a narrative use there idea and then put it into sentences and paragragh.

Writing a narrative and understanding the process is good because it helps other people expand their knowledge.

LI:To write a narritive

Novel Study | The Twits

The Twits is a fiction book writen by Roald Dahl. From the chapter 8-11 Mr Twit has done a prank that went to far.

Mr Twit thought of a brilliant prank that will get back Mrs Twit for the prank she pulled on him. Every night Mr Twit would add a little piece of wood to Mrs Twits walking stick and chair. Then he told her a fake a disese that made Mrs Twit worry.

He added something to his prank. He made up a fake cure to solve the fake disese (shrinks). He tied about one hundred ballons to different parts of her body to stretch her. Then he decided to cut the rope that was keeping her from floating away.

This book is funny and interesting book that lots of children can read.

LI:To study novel

Friday, 23 October 2020

Comment Thread

This week for I commented on Fotu's math blog post. He was learning how to use written algorithem.

The first question I asked was, "Can you describe what you found hard about this task?"

During this task I learnt how to ask an open question that will make the person think more about it.

Go on this link to see Fotu's blog post.

LI:To learn how to comment on other people's blog

Basic Facts Boxes | Division

This week I took the speed demon. I decided to do division because I wanted to beat my last time that I got last week.

Once I was finished answering the equations my time at was 4 minutes and 15. I think next time I should try and be a little more faster because I got a longer time than last week.

I found answering the question easy because I know my time tables which makes easier to answer them.

If you don't believe me my proof is on my DLO which is at the bottom of this blog post.

LI:To remember my basic math facts

Narrative Plan

This week we have been learning how to create a plan for a narritive.

First, we reminded ourself on what the struture of a narritive (TOPES) is. TOPES stands for title, orentation, problem, event, and solution. The orentation has to show who, where, when, and what. The problem need to talk about what goes wrong. The solution is last thing the chracter does. This is what solves the problem and it can be fail or be sussecstful.

Next, we watched to different films that shows the structure. The films we watched lasted a different amount of time.

Lastly, we thought of narritive that we can make into a movie. The story we thought of can only be one A4 page. The films had to 30 seconds or 2 minutes maximum. My idea was Naki bulling Fotu.

LI:To write a short story that can be made into a film.

Touch Rugby

 Today was our first session of touch rugby. Our coach Mark tought us different drills.

The first drill we did was learning how to tap. Then we started practising scoring a try and the throwing it above our heads and catching them. Before we finished this drill we combine the skills and did them all at once.

The second drill we did was passing the ball along the line. We had to try not drop and beat the year 5's time. We dropped the ball 2 times in 1 minute.   

The drill we did was draw and pass. There were to lines on of them are the defending line and other one was attack. Two people will run and person with the ball would draw the defender and then pass it to he team mate just before getting touched.

I found this session fun. Also found passing and catching the ball really easy.

LI:To practise the basic skills of touch rugby

Comment Thread

 A comment thread is having a conversation in the comment section. The structure of a comment is the greeting, positive feedback and a open question.

A open question is a question that can be answered with a full sentence insted of annswering "yes" or "no". These comments were based on the math work below.

Part of this activity was to use the proper math language. A comment thread can unlock new knowledge behind the work of different blog post.

LI:To create a comment thread using the correct language

Insulation | Experiments

Insulation controls the heat or coldness from escaping the container. There were 5 containers that were used during the experiment. They were tin, plastic, paper, glass, and polystirene.

Trying to keep hot water warm plastic, paper and tin are the best containers to stop the heat from escaping. These 3 container's cooling averages were 10 as they were seen in the spreed sheet.

For the cool insulation, if the temperture goes high that means it is a bad insulater. It's bad because it is coming in and will warm it up. The best container to keep something cool is plastic because its cooling average is 0.

It's importaint to know the differeance between the heat intsulation and cool intuslation. This can help people know if it's a good insulation or a bad insulation

LI:To learn and practise experimental methods 

LI:To determine the insulation properties of materials

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Kupu | Translating Maori words

This week for our Māori session we learnt different words in Maori by translating them.

Before we started doing the activity we had to answer 3 questions. One of them was "He aha te ra/What is the date?" The answer was "Ko te Rāapa teni ra, rua tekau ma tahi o Whiringa a nuku/Wednesday the 21th of October.

Next I translated a column of Maori words to English and some words from the Rona song. Example: Ka pai/well done, wera/hot, marama/moon.

Lastly we matched the Maori words with the picture that shows the weather.

Here is a list of different Maori words translated.

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

100 facts about vampires

 This week I chose a book called "100 facts about vampires" This is a non-fiction book which means the facts in the book is real. This book is based on vampires.

 I had to write down 3 things facts, one of them were "Some people thought that royal blood was blue."

Then we had to list three or more new words we learnt from the book. One of the words I learnt from the book was 'Hordes'.

I found this activity interesting because I learnt about creatures that might be real.

LI:To learn how to summaries a book or text

Monday, 19 October 2020

Novel Study | The Twits

The Twits is a fiction book writen by Roald Dahl. Roald Dahl is famous British author who used to write children books.

Mr Twit came up with a prank to pull on Mrs Twit. He caught a slimey frog from the pond and put it in Mrs Twits bed before going to sleep. This prank scared he some much she fainted.

Since Mrs Twit got pranks she decided to get some revenge. Before lunch she dug up some worms and put them into Mr Twits spaghetti. When he ate it all Mrs Twit started laughing and told him what he ate.

This book is funny and interesting book that lots of children can read.

LI:To study novel

Friday, 16 October 2020

Touch Rugby

This week our kiwi sport session was about touch. We learnt 2 skills during this lesson.

The first skill we learnt was catching the ball. When catching the ball you need to have to make a W shape with your hands so it's easier to catch. We walked up and down the cournt doing a doing different warm ups.

The second skill we learnt was passing. Before passing the ball we have to make sure the person is behind you or it would be a forward past. We practised this skill by passing it back forward.

Lastly we played a game that uses the skills we learnt. We placed all the balls into a colour hoop which meant we had to work together. Our final time was 20 seconds.

I enjoyed this session and I also found catching and passing the ball easy.

LI:To practise the basic skills of touch rugby

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Fact Find | Saturn

Today I did this really fun activity called fact find. Fact find is about researching a new or interesting topic like enviorment and machine.

I decided to research a planet in our solar system which was 'Saturn'. I chose this planet because I want to learn more information about Saturn.
The information I need to present is as follows:

1. Introduction

2. 5 facts

3. Media/Images and video

4. Information Sources

My favourite part of doing this activity was the 5 facts. I enjoyed this part because this would be the part I would find most of the information for me to learn.

LI:To learn something new


I learnt about experimenting. Experiments are used to find information or data.

First, we chose a certain meterial that we are going to experiment on. The meterial we chose was sand

Next, we measured 100ml of water into a beaker and added 5 drops of food colouring to it.

Then, we measured 50 grams of sand on a scale. We first had to make sure that the container weighed 0 grams so we can get the exact mesurment when we measure the sand.

After, we measured the sand we put it in a tote tray and poured the water into it. We used a tote tray just in case the water spills.

Lastly, we pourded the water out of the container and into a measuring cylider. Then we measured how much water was not obsorbed and recorded it on a sheet.

I found this activity fun because I learnt how to experiment and how to measure properly.

LI:To learn and practise experimental methods

LI:To determine the absorbency of different materials using experimental methods

Comment Thread

This week for I commented on Chisa's Maori blog post. It was about matching the Maori body with the English words.

The first question I asked was, "What did you find hard about this task and why?" but then I changed it to, "Can you describe the challenging part about matching the body parts? because this question is an open question. Also it will make the person think more about the question.

During this task I learnt how to ask an open question that will make the person think more about it.

Go on this link to see Chisa's blog post.

LI:To learn how to comment on other people's blog

Diary of a Awsome Friendly Kid

 This week I have read a book called "Awsome friendly kid" This is a fiction book which means everything in this book is not real. 

I had to write down 3 things that happened, one of them were "Rowley and Greg goes to Tevin's birthday party."

Then we had to list three or more new words we learnt from the book. There was no new words in the book because I knew most of the words.

I found this book funny because Rowley always falls for Gregs tricks most of the time.

LI:To learn how to summaries a book or text

Body Parts in Maori

This week for our Māori session we learnt different body parts in Māori.

Before we started doing the activity we had to answer 3 questions. One of them was "He aha te ra/What is the date?" The answer was "Ko te Rāapa teni ra, te tekau ma whā o Whiringa a nuku/Wendsday the 14th of October.

Next I matched the Māori body parts with the English words. We had to highlight the Māori words we knew. Example: Head/upoko, hand/ringaringa, teeth/niho.

Lastly I watched a video that tells the story about Rona and the moon.

Here is a list of different body parts in Māori and English.

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Basic Facts Boxes

This week I took the speed demon. I decided to do division because I wanted to challenge myself this week.

Once I was finished answering the equations my time at was 4 minutes. I think next time I should try and be a little more faster so I can get a better time.

I found answering the question easy because I know my time tables which makes easier to answer them.

If you don't believe me my proof is on my DLO which is at the bottom of this blog post.

LI:To remember my basic math facts

Formal & Informal Language

Formality tells people when to use formal or informal language. Formal language is approprite language that is understandable. Informal language is usually slang or casual language.

Formal language is used in a formal situation like a meeting or a funeral. Some formal language is: hello, greetings, good morning, good afternoon.

Informal language is mostly used in a informal situation like playing or talking to friends. Some informal language is: sup, what's up?, bro, gee.

Understanding formality helps people know when to use the correct language and use it in the right situation.

LI:To identfy formal and informal language

Statistics | Interpreting Data & Frequency

Interpreting data is the process of reviewing data through some process. Frequency is the number of a repeated event per unit of time.

There are different way to collect data. One way to collect data is to first ask a question like, what is likelyhood of rolling a 6.

Next, roll the dice at least 100 times to see how many times the dice roll on the number. A telly chart can be used to keep in count.

Then, find the 2 numbers that the dice landed on the most which is the numbers that was most likely to land on.

Lastly, make a graph that shows the amount of time the dice rolled on each number. This chat will help people understand the data.

This is way to collect data helps people understand how the frequency and how to interpret data.

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Novel Study | The Twits

The Twits is a fiction book writen by Roald Dahl. Roald Dahl is famous British author who used to write children books.

Mr Twit is a hairy faced man who doesn't look after his personal hygienes. He smells because he hasne't took a shower in years and has a disguting long beard that has sardine, cornflakes and cheese all over it.

Mrs Twit used to be a beautiful lady but is now very ugly. She likes to play pranks on Mr Twit like putting her glass eye in Mr Twit's cup.

This book is funny and interesting book that lots of children can read.

LI:To study novel