Friday, 16 April 2021

Teach a small group of juniors to play a simple game

 LI: To teach a small group of juniors to play a simple game

This is my second task I've completed to get my silver confidence.

Today I taught some of the juniors to play rock, paper, scissors snake eddition. This is game is simalar to the original rock, paper, scissors but we played it on a snake. One person starts on the snakes face and the other person starts at the end of the tail. Both will play rock, paper, scissiors. Who ever wins moves a square forward, and who ever gets to the opposite side of where the opponent started, they win. We played two rounds with the juniors. Lastly, we played a fun game of tag.

I found this task fun because I got the oppertunity to teach juniors new games they can play during their breaks.

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