Friday, 8 September 2017

The two boat battle

Once upon a time there were two boats.The boats were called the Challenger and the Defender.They were racing for the America’s cup.The race is in Bermuda. The race begins and the Challenger boats sails very fast. Soon it tips over.

“What are we going to do?I have no idear the other men said.Then we heard a loud sowed.Rome!The rest you boat is coming with a rope to tip our boat over.

They tied the rope on there boat and pulled it back over.Thank you from helping us.You're Welcome the men said happily to them.

The challengers boat lost the first one.But there was another rowed.The Challengers  were hoping that they were going to win this time and not to go that fast that time.

The challengers and the Defenders were waiting for the hon.Then we heard it.


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