Thursday 20 August 2020


Time is an ongoing sequence of events taking place. There are other different ways to tell time using non standard time.

Listening to a song
Listening to a song is always going to be the same time. This song is 3 minutes and 48 seconds long. This is a exact measurment of time.

Singing a song
Singing a song is not an exact way of measuring time because it can be sang at a different pace each time. This song is about 2 minutes long.

Sand Timer
Sand timers are sand that is in an hourglass. Depending on how much sand there is it will measure different time. It works by tipping it upside down and waiting for the sand to run out from the top to the bottom. The sand timer was 4 minutes.

Watching a video
Watching a video is also an exact measurment of time. Watching this video is 7 minutes and 51 seconds if it isn't stopped or paused.

There are many ways of measuring non standard time. 3 out of the 4 ways were more exact when time was measured to standard time.

LI: Investigate units of time


  1. Hello Te Raumati,
    I really liked your work on time. In Room 6 we have also been looking at time, Maybe you could come along and share your work with us? I really liked your slide presentation it was very easy to read and good images to help make the connections.

  2. Hi Te Raumati i really like your work it good and how are you

  3. Hello Te Raumati,

    I enjoyed both reading your blogpost and looking through your slide show. I like how you have solving a puzzle as one of the slide shows. I wouldn't have thought of that. I also did this task. What else do you understand about time?


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