Monday 17 May 2021

ASB Get Wise

 LI: To make wise descision with money

Today LS2 met a guy from the ASB named Marlon who taught us how to be smart with our money and to stop to think and make good descision. 

We played a game in teams to teach us about when to spend and when to save money. The game was about us going on holiday to Fiji, our budget was $1,800 and we had to make sure we spend the right amount of money on the right things. Since this game is about a holiday which ever team has the most points at the end of the game to show how much fun we had their wins. We could use a credit card but we need to pay the bank the amount of money we took at the right time before we they add $100 more.

We needed to spend our money on our passport, economy, accomodation, and activites. We could spend $300 on insurance but it might be a waste of money if nothing happens and thats when we needed to think about it. My group spent $200 for the passport, $500 for the flight tickets, $600 for the hotel and the food, $300 for insurance, $200 for the activities.

At the end all of the teams had 12 points and no money at the end of the game which means everyone tied. This happened because we all made the same and right descision.

I found this activity interesting because I got to learn how when we shound spend money and when to save money.

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