Thursday 21 March 2019

Kiwi Sport|Week 7.

LI:Is to play the proper game of Ki o Rahi.

Today was the last session of Ki o Rahi. Instead of learning we played the full game of Ki o Rahi,We all applied the things that we learnt the past few weeks.

Playing Ki o Rahi
I was in team yellow,yellow team is team ki oma.Today we all had to play the Ki Oma role taniwha role and kaitiaki role. The kicker has to start off,it has to kick it to the kaitiaki. If the kaitiaki catches it they have to pass it to there team mates.There team mates can touch as Po then run into to pawero and score the try.If 1 tag gets ripped you have to pass it.If both tags get ripped then it's an hand over.If the kaitiaki doesn't catch it's an hand over. Taniwha's job is to try and thro the ke at the tupu.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Te Raumati

    I have experienced your blog post about Ki O Rahi. I like how you participated in this activity. Keep the great work up!!!.


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