Tuesday 24 August 2021

List Poem

 LI: To write a list poem that describes a topic by painting a picture with your words.

We have been learning about poems. The poem we were learning to write is called a list poem. List poems are a simple way to get into poetry writing that can be based on ideas that are familiar to you. This type of poem lists things that describes the topic. The last line in the list is usually a funny, strong, or important item or event. The topic my poem was based on was 'things my mum says to me' which lists things that my mum says to me.

I enjoyed this task because I was given the oppertunity to learn how to write a list poem.


  1. Kia Ora Te Raumati, I was reading through this poem and a LOT of these sayings my parents said to me when I was younger and I can confirm you will thank them one day. My favourite part of the poem was the line 'I love you', it felt like the whole poem was leading up to that line and it was incredibly powerful. All these things your Mum says but at the end of it all she loves you. Did you put that line last purposefully?

  2. Hi Te Raumati
    Nearly every line of your poem is something I would have said to my children many times before, probably because they are important messages. I think you have cleverly finished the poem with the most powerful sentence, because it sums up all reasons for the other things said. Great Work


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