Sunday 23 December 2018

Scaling New Heights

Interview with Sir Edmund Hillary:
1.What was your favourite subject at school?
2.Why did you want to be a mountain climber?
3.Who did you look up to?
4.Were you scared when you were climbing?
5.When did you decide to climb Aoraki Mt Cook?


  1. Kia Ora Te Raumati,

    Lee here from the Summer Learning Journey team,

    Happy New Year to you, I've enjoyed catching up on the blogs this year, and I hope to see more of you on here!

    I like these questions for Sir Ed, you can just imagine him thinking of good answers for you.

    I especially like the question asking if he was scared or not. A lot of people would think that he wasn't scared, but I bet he had his moments. Anyone would, right?

    Have you climbed many hills around Auckland? There are a lot out there! The last one I went up was Mt Roskill - not too hard to get up.

    Keep up the great work and talk to you soon
    - Lee

  2. Hi Te Raumati!
    I like your blog post about the 5 questions that you would ask Sir Edmund Hillary. You are doing an amazing job at the SLJ activities. Out of all the questions, which one do you like the most?
    Blog you later!


  3. Hi Te Raumati!,

    It's Mele from Panmure Bridge School. Well done for completing this task. I am glad to see you posting these SLJ activities during these summer holidays. Did you enjoy doing this task? Why? Your listed questions are inspiring. I enjoyed reading them. I am sure that Sir Edmund Hillary would love to answer these questions. My favourite question is who did you look up to. I'd like to find that out too. What is your favourite question?



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