Thursday 6 June 2019


How does a bike work

Every bike needs to have wheels,gear,pedal and breaks because these are
the things that help a bike to work.If we don’t have these bike parts the bike
won’t work and the bike will fall apart.
Photo by Pixelcreatures      
We need the brake levers on a bike so we can stop when we need to.When
we pull the lever the wheels will slow down so we don’t crash into something
or somebody.
    Photo by Hans
We need the gear so when we need to get to a place on time
we can change the gear on a higher number so the bike can go faster
and you will get to that place on time.
 Photo by LJ
We need the wheels on a bike because the wheels help the bike move and
helps the person riding a bike can get their balance so they can ride a bike
We need the pedals on a bike because when a person is riding a bike
and they push on the pedals,it will make the wheels move so when you push
the padale it will help the bike move.

LI:To write an explanation

Today we had to write an explanation about something.I decided to write an explanation about a bike.I had to write what are the parts of a bike that makes it move and explain how the parts of the bike help the bike to move.I learnt some of this information by searching it up on google search.I did the planner on the google drawing and I did my explanation on a google docs.



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