Thursday 20 June 2019

Our trip to the Auckland zoo

LI:To learn about different types animals at the zoo.

Yesterday all of LS1 went on a trip to the Auckland zoo.Before we went into the bus we had to get into a group of 6.We had to bring our bags because we are going to spend most of the time at the zoo and we'll have to have our morning tea and lunch at the zoo.

Patrick took us to the Africa area first and he told us about the giraffes,zebras and ostriches.I learnt that a giraffes tongue is very long so they can use it to grab the leaves that they eat and not the thorns.The colour of the tongue is bluish purplish to protect it from getting sun burnt in the hot African sun.

He also took us to the flamingo area.We got to see them dance and Patrick taught us how to dance like them too.I learnt that their ankles are where our knees would be when you look at their legs.I also learnt that they are pink because of what they eat like shrimp and the pinker the males are the better that the females like them.

We saw the meerkats and I found out that they have long claws that they use for digging and for catching their food like spiders,insects and even scorpions.What I found interesting is that meerkats can catch scorpions without getting stung and they have 1 or 2 meerkats who stand up to look for any danger.These are called sentries because they are guarding and protecting the rest of the group.

NZ birds
After we looked at the Africa area we went to Te Wao Nui where we saw animals that are native to NZ.I learnt some of the Maori names of the different types of birds like the kakariki/NZ parakeet, tieke/saddleback, kereru/NZ pigeon,whio/blue duck and ruru/morepork.

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