Thursday 9 January 2020

Feast or Famine

I'm not sure if I can do the 40 hour 'no food' challenge but I'm sure I could do it for 20 hours. I'm definitely sure that I could do a different 40 hour challenge like having no electricity or giving up technology. I would do this challenge because I like the idea of raising money for this charity. I think this is a good way to help children around the world who really need it. I like that I can help them by making their lives a bit easier and happier. It would be cool to do it with somebody else like a friend or my class or even my whole school.


  1. The 40 hour famine in 2020 is on 5th-7th June. You don't have to go without food Te Raumati, you could go without your device or talking or sleeping in a bed or showers...and doing it as a class could be fun!

  2. Hello Te Raumati! I also think it's a really creative, fun, and unique way of raising money. Going without food for almost 2 days definitely sounds like a struggle, but I've seen you mention some other really good ideas like giving up technology. How would you prepare for that specific challenge? Would love to hear your thoughts...Great to see you active, keep it up!


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