Wednesday 22 January 2020

Plot points

Movie summary: A 16 year old girl named 'Charlotte.' She finds out that she has a super power after starting year 12 at her new high school in New York city. You see, Charlotte's mum is a single mum after her dad died from cancer. You may be wondering, what's the super power that Charlotte has? Well Charlotte is 'psychic.' It's a power that can read peoples mind and see in the future. Charlotte had a bad vision. She tried to stop her vision from happening but she made it even worse. When she went back home a mystery lady was in her room. She can teleport Charlotte back before her bad vision happened but there will be an evil person who will stop you from changing anything so she has to be careful. She only 3 hours. Will she be able to make things right before time runs out?


  1. Great movie plot Te Raumati - when does it hit the big screen?
    Who will be the big star as Charlotte? Where will you film it? How will you create the special effects? Keep blogging and commenting...the SLJ finishes on FRIDAY this week!

  2. Hello Te Raumati! Only a few days left to complete activities...This is a really interesting story, reminds me about another one I read. Have you checked out Farzana's blog before? I like how you bring up superpowers in this one - it makes it even more interesting. What would be the name of your movie? Good luck, you can do it!

  3. Hey Te Raumati,

    I’m Daniel, a SLJ blog commenter for the Kootuitui school but I’ve jumped on your schools to check out your awesome posts and give the Manaiakalani team a helping hand with commenting.

    Wow, your movie sounds like a really cool, super-powered thriller, with action and tension around every corner. This is a very creative idea and I would love to see a movie like that or a series. Great post Te Raumati.

    See you in the comments.

    Daniel :)


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