Tuesday 9 June 2020

Making predictions

For reading this week we are learning how to predect a text. Predicting is guessing what will happen next using the clues and using our prior knowledge to help us. I had to use the predict strategy to help me with my task.

I made three predictions about the book 'Happy new year.' I made three predictions by looking at the cover and three after reading two or three paragraphs.

One of my first prediction before reading the book was 'I think it's a recount because new year is a real event that happens every year.' That prediction was wrong because the book I read was a narritive insted.

Another prediction I made was 'I think that something will go wrong during new year.' That prediction was correct because someone lit a fire that spred around the beach.

I found this reading strategy can be helpful in the future because it can help lots of kids use their prior knowledge to help find out what is going to happen next.

LI:To predict the events to come

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