Thursday 30 December 2021

Summer Learning Journey | He Pāngarau Mīharo: Step It Up

Today I have completed week 2, task 14 for the Summer Learning Journey. I've decided to attempt the step it up task. For this task I needed to practice a card trick.

Before I started, I watched a video explaining the task so I know what I'm doing. 

Next, I started practising a card trick. The trick I chose to do was one a learnt a while ago.

Lastly, I took a video of me doing the magic trick.

I enjoyed doing this task because it gave me the oppertunity to share a magic trick.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora

    Te Raumati

    It is GREAT!!! To see that you have completed the He Pāngarau Mīharo: Step It Up task. Once again I really appreciate and enjoy that you give a clear and concise outline on how you went about to complete the task. Unfortunately, I am unable to view your work. It would be great if you could share access so anyone on the internet with this link can view it so that everyone can see it on your blog and view your awesome mahi.

    I’m looking forward to seeing your He Pāngarau Mīharo activity!

    Keep up the Super work we look forward to your next blog post!!!

    Ngā mihi,


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