Sunday 2 January 2022

Summer Learning Journey | Stick Figure Fun

Today I have completed week 3, task 21 for the Summer Learning Journey. I attempted the kick start actvity. I needed to create stick figures.

Before I started, I watched a video explaining the task so I know what I'm doing. 

Next, I started drawing stick figures doing different activites. I tried to draw as much stick figure drawings as I can (14).

Lastly, I took a photo of my stick man drawings. I also labeled each picture so others know what each stick men are doing.

I really enjoyed doing this task since it was fun but I also found it challenging, because some of the pictures I drew didn't match their label.


  1. Kia Ora Te Raumati,

    My name is Zana and I am a blog commenter from the summer learning journey.

    You did an amazing job with this activity. I like how you have added so many stick figures doing so many different things. I can see a weight lifter, a dancer, a skateboarder and someone running. It is very helpful that you labeled them to as I am able to understand what each stick figure is doing

    I think the skateboard is my favourite, I would like to know which one is your favourite and why?

    What did you enjoy about this activity and what did you find challenging?

    Keep up the good work and I hope to see more of your posts during the Summer Learning Journey!!

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates

  2. Kia Ora Zana,

    Thank you again for commenting on my blog! My favourite picture is the thinking stick man because I added my own detial to it unlike the others.

    I enjoyed drawing the stickman, and what I found challenging was trying to think of different actvites the stickmen are doing.

    If you were to attempt this task, how many stickmen would you draw and what are they doing?

    Thank you again for commenting! :)

    1. Hi Te Raumati,

      That is cool that you added your own flair to it. I would try and make stick men doing things that I enjoy like skating, swimming, walking a dog and dancing.



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