Wednesday 9 December 2020

Testing Knowledge

A math quiz tests you knowledge on how fast you answer and the strategies that is used. There are two math quizes and one challenge. The first quiz is fact families and addition and subtraction. The second quiz is strand. This quiz uses meaurments, geometry and more. The third challenge is to test the persons knowledge on statistics.

Fact families is using all four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). This challenges a person to find out a certain number. Basic facts challenges the persons ability to use simple math strategies and their ability to answer the question. 

Strand question tests the persons possibilities to answer exstra questions. Strand is every other math topic (geometry, statistics, and more) apart from basic facts and fact families.

Making quizzes and challenges can help people learn about how much they know and how they can improve. It's also important to know different math types becaus it can help them learn more information to help make it eaier to answer hard math equations.

LI:To use knowledge to test knowledge 


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